5 Key Ways For You To Stay Spiritually Healthy
We are back into the business of a new season of youth ministry. Keeping our spirituality healthy is vital. As youth workers pointing young people to God, we each want to pursue our own relationship with God. There are several key tenets to this pursuit, reading God’s Word, praying, being part of a community of faith. Yet there are so many more things which can encourage us and benefit our spiritual health!
Below are a few things which have helped me enjoy and given me a different perspective to growing in my relationship with God.
Enjoy My Calling
When I am most spiritually healthy, I realize that I am enjoying the work that God has called me to do. I am called to be a youth worker, to serve the young people of the church and support them in their discipleship. In the times where I am enjoying this service to God, I know I am closer to Him. There are moments where this feels like a challenge! Our work isn’t always enjoyable. But in those moments or seasons where it feels difficult, it is a great opportunity to take some time to notice how God is working in your context. Allowing these times of reflection can help us see how God has used us or is working in the spiritual lives of our young people. By creating space to notice how God is moving, we will enjoy our calling and stay spiritually healthy.
Embrace Your Role
While I can enjoy my calling, it’s also important for my spiritual health to know my boundaries. Embracing my role means knowing what is mine to do and ultimately being confident because God is in control. Our theology plays out in our lived response to this truth. If we truly believe that God is in control, we can accept our boundaries and what our role is to play. However, if we think everything depends on us, including the faith of our young people, that will be too heavy a burden to carry. By embracing these truths about who God is, it will help us to live better and means we can generously give God the glory for all that he is doing.
Enter Into Sabbath
Sabbath is the gift of rest from God. Peter Scazzero writes about Sabbath saying, “The Sabbath calls us to build the doing of nothing into our schedules each week. Nothing measurable is accomplished…We trust God to provide and care for us”. It’s counter to everything we see around us, and much of what we see in the church. Yet it is a beautiful gift to support our spiritual health.
Scazzero goes on to give four qualities of a biblical Sabbath which I commend to you:
Stop: Here is our permission to stop, cease the business and trust in God. “We stop on Sabbaths because God is on the throne, assuring us the world will not fall apart if we cease our activities.”
Rest: It allows us to detach from the things which consume our weeks. Time away from thinking about work, worry, the endless tasks around the house.
Delight: This one is my favorite! Sabbath can be a space for delight! Do what you love and thank God for it!
Contemplate: Take time to enjoy God. “Pondering the love of God remains the central focus of our Sabbaths.”
I’ve recently used these to plan my vacation and it made me more grateful to God for the break.
Isn’t our God amazing!!!
I have recently completed a Master’s in Theology and one of the best things was finding out more about God’s character. I saw something beautiful in God and couldn’t help but wonder. I wanted to know more, to see things I hadn’t noticed before and this brought me so much joy! For you, what is it about God that makes you gaze in wonder at Him? Whatever it is, embrace it, dive in! It’s a great way to invigorate your faith if you’re feeling spiritually stuck.
Space For Spontaneity
Most of us pack out our weeks. Our diaries have each moment scheduled. Time in between things is an opportunity to squeeze something else in. Yet I know this has an impact on my spiritual health and ability to live well as a Christian.
If I live at a fast pace, I have no or limited opportunities for spontaneity. Let me share the value of spontaneity for our spiritual health. First, moments to love others often come without warning. Pastoral opportunities. Chance meetings in our community. Having space in our week allows us to practically respond and live out our faith without feeling overwhelmed. Second, having a margin in my week makes me more likely to notice God moving, speak with Him or allowing me the chance to reflect on his truth and goodness. Space for spontaneity often leads to holy moments, serving others or personally enjoying God.
Why not share what you have been blessed by and different ways which have brought a benefit to your spiritual health?
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the YS Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of YS.