
Empower Your Leaders for Ownership

Youth Specialties
April 13th, 2016

Have you ever wished people cared more about your ministry?

Maybe you’ve said one of the following statements:

If only she were more invested as a small group leader!

If only they cared enough to show up to the event!

All leaders deal with this problem: too many of our workers seem less than committed.

Here are three ideas for how to empower your leaders to take ownership of their ministries:

1) Back Them with Your Budget

When you say your ministry will be going in a new direction but you don’t offer the resources to get there, your volunteers may become frustrated and continue doing what they’ve always done.

If you say you’ll simplify the annual calendar and focus on creating a few great events, then you must ensure the budget is available to make this vision a reality.

If you cast a vision of kid-friendly classrooms, you better have an idea of where the funds will come from.

2) Back Them with Your Resources

If you expect your volunteers to take ownership, you must provide the resources, time, and platforms for them to succeed. Don’t tell them to take ownership and then leave them to fend for themselves! Connect them with the experts in your field. Give them direction. Give them resources. Give them encouragement. Give them an opportunity to succeed.

3) Back Them with Your Neck

At times, you’ll have to put your neck on the line in order for your leaders to take ownership.

As the front lines of your ministry, your volunteers often have a better vantage point than you do. They’re more in tune with changes that need to be made in the program, people, or practices. They need an encourager, advocate, brainstormer, and scapegoat—those are a part of your role as their leader. If your volunteers feel they need to make a change, you must back them with your neck.

Because your neck is on the line if they make a bad decision, coach them through those changes. And whatever decisions they make, don’t leave them out on their own. Take responsibility, and lead the entire group toward the vision.

What other advice would you add to this list?



Chase Snyder - Headshot - 200x200Chase Snyder is the founder of MinistryBubble.com and serves as a Family Pastor in Knoxville, Tenn. He seeks to live a life that glorifies God and disciples others through their day-to-day lives, and his passion is equipping those in the church to seek those who are outside of it. Check out his writing at Ministry Bubble or connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.


Youth Specialties

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the YS Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of YS.
