
#GETBEYOND: “Christians are hypocritical”

Youth Specialties
August 19th, 2015

Yep, they sure are.

They’re also liars, thieves, players, bullies, sluts, druggies, cheats…you get it. But isn’t that true for every type of group? Take Christians out of the title and insert atheists, sports players, teachers, Muslims, gays, music lovers, pacifists, gun enthusiasts…you get it again.

Let’s face it: we’re all sinners. We’re all messed up. We all make mistakes. It’s why we need God and its why we’re NOT God. The church where everyone is perfect is the church that doesn’t exist because we’re all just us – people who screw up. As soon as you and I find the perfect church, DON’T JOIN IT! You’ll muddy up the perfection waters.

So what do we do about it, friends?

We love each other in more than just words.

How? We end pointing out everyone else’s faults by bringing our negative postings on social media to a full stop. No one needs our opinions on the latest fallen church-sports-entertainment leader. Others are impacted more for harm by what we post than the “teaching for good” we fooled ourselves into thinking we were sharing. How is it helping to hit the “share” button about stories of people we don’t even know and the latest nutty thing they’ve done? We just make ourselves look…well, hypocritical.

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STEPHANIE CARO has been involved in ministry for more than 30+ years. She’s the senior consultant for Ministry Architects and the director of their Small Church division.

Join Stephanie and thousands of other youth workers at NYWC as we look to the future of youth ministry and wrestle with how to get beyond our discomfort of addressing these kinds of questions and frustrations from students. Ready to register? CLICK HERE

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Youth Specialties

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the YS Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of YS.
