
How the Enneagram has Helped My Leadership

Tim Balow
January 22nd, 2019

If you are a ministry leader, odds are you have been curious on how to improve as a leader. Over the years I have listened to podcasts, read books, and confided in mentors to learn how to grow as a leader. We want to discover our giftedness, so we do spiritual gift test. We want to figure out our strengths or personality,  so we do the Myers Briggs or Strengthsfinder. These are all tools I have used that have been helpful in self identifying gifts in my own life.

A little over a year ago I discovered the assessment test know as the Enneagram. It was part of my hiring process for the staff of the church in which I now work. At first glance, it seemed slightly confusing and pretty weird that people would refer to themselves as numbers. When I gained better clarity and our church did a sermon series (if interested, the link of which is  provided below), I realized how helpful the Enneagram truly was for my leadership. The Enneagram provided a better awareness of my strengths and also brought awareness of my blind spots. Below are some specific ways the Enneagram has been helpful for me.

1. I know what to look out for. This was a very encouraging truth to stumble upon. I enjoyed reading and knowing about my strengths, but it has been very helpful to discover my weaknesses as well.  If not taken serious, my weaknesses can result in blind spots of leadership and/or “sin” if they aren’t addressed. I want to lead out of my strengths and not let my weaknesses. For example, I am a high 3 on the Enneagram. Meaning, I’m goal driven, want success, afraid of failure, and want to maintain a certain image. One of the weaknesses of a 3 is deception or lying in order to maintain a certain image. With that knowledge,  I can be aware of the vulnerability I have to manipulate and lie about numbers for an event or midweek groups. The Enneagram is a great tool to pursue health as a ministry leader.

2. I know what strengths to lead from.  I have learned over the years to lean into my strengths. Far too often, I have focused on strengthening my weaknesses to be a better leader. It’s okay to work on weaknesses, bit it’s far better to lean into the strengths God has given you. Furthermore, knowing how God has wired me, utilizing the Enneagram as a tool to understand my strengths, has helped me become a much better leader and empowered me to put people on my team who complement my weaknesses. I have improved my productivity and leadership because I have identified my strengths and lean into those.

3. I am reminded how God has uniquely made me.  This is a truth that is easily said, or assumed, but not everyone believes this truth. God has wired each of us uniquely for a reason. Everyone has a role to play within the church. The Enneagram has helped me understand that even more. The Enneagram has helped me realize that God has given me specific and unique gifts and talents, along with a different personality type, for a reason. God’s design was not make mistake. It was intentional and it should not be something that we ignore.

You may be a skeptic or have confusion about the Enneagram and thats okay. These have just been a few ways the Enneagram has helped me in my ministry. In my opinion, it is a great tool to better understand yourself and will strengthen your leadership.


Contact Info: Scott Keesee | scottkeesee@sandalschurch.com | Instgram: @scak_keesee

Sermon Series Link to Enneagram


Tim Balow

Youth Specialties exists to elevate the role of youth ministry and the youth worker to grow the faith of the next generation.

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