When we considered what makes NYWC so great.
When we considered what makes NYWC so unique.
When we considered what will set NYWC apart as we look to the future.
We all came to the same conclusion: It was and is the fact that we were simply going to be TOGETHER, together with people who love what we love and do what we do.
Different denominations, different political backgrounds, different genders, different theological stances all TOGETHER, and loving it. Why? Because we are all bound TOGETHER by the belief that teenagers are the future of the church and capable of much more than most think.
What a fantastic time we had TOGETHER at NYWC19!
As we said at the beginning of the conference is that you received love. Not just know about it but experience it. And, not just love from us but through us and each other from Christ. That’s the sort of love that can turn things around! Here is the quote we looked at;
“Received love turns shaky pretenders into confident dreamers. It turns miserably self-sufficient strivers into wonderfully released receivers. It turns cynical and smug judges into safe and discerning protectors. It turns anxious self-protectors into daring lovers.” The Cure (Lynch, McNichol, Thrall)
I hope you left….
A more confident dreamer,
a more wonderfully released receiver,
a more discerning protector,
and a more daring lover.
That’s what it’s going to take to reach this next generation and I’m confident in you because of what we experienced TOGETHER at NYWC19.
Thank you so much for taking the time to join us.
If you haven’t already, please fill out a survey if you were at NYWC19. You can do that at Talk2YS.com.
With that, I’ll see you next year. As Doug said in our closing Big Room session, thank you to those who wait until the last minute! You really help out with the budget. But if you missed pre-registration pricing, for those of you who still want to save big $$$ and have a year-end budget to spend, keep your eyes posted for our year-end sale on NYWC20 registration.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the YS Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of YS.