Volunteer / Youth Worker Development

Whiteboard Session | The Law Of 2

Tom Shefchunas
May 29th, 2020
  • What does it take to be a great youth leader? 

  • How would you describe a great youth ministry volunteer? 

  • What are you looking for?

In reality, there are a bunch of things. Some of those things are skills that can be taught and some of those are gifts that an individual either has or they don’t.

The good news is that everyone is gifted and everyone can find a place in the Body of Christ. The bad news for us is that sometimes people volunteer to work in our ministries that are gifted for something else and we have to make a tough decision for the sake of our students. 

So, what’s the balance of gifts and skills? How much of it can you take care of in training and how much of it is simply gifting?

The “Law of 2” is a concept that we developed at my last church to helps us decide who get’s to be a volunteer in our ministry and who gets to find another place to use their gifts. 

To be honest, it’s hard to write about without seeming harsh and judgmental. So I won’t! 

You can watch the YS Whiteboard to consider what it means to you and your ministry. I hope it helps.

Tom Shefchunas

Tom Shefchunas (Shef) is the Executive Director at Youth Specialties. Shef also works with Orange in the development and strategy for XP3 Middle School and High School curriculum. Before that Shef was North Point Ministries’ Multi-Campus Director of Transit, their middle school ministry, for 12 years. And before that, he spent 10 years as a high school teacher, coach, and principal. His passion is working with, recruiting, and developing volunteers and leaders who will shape the next generation. Through nearly two decades of leadership in ministry Shef has had numerous opportunities to coach and be coached by some amazing individuals.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the YS Blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of YS.
